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Robin Agarwal

Christine A

Killer whales in human care are a contested topic and it has become very difficult to find good information online, since the extremists will always scream the loudest, and certain organizations that earn millions in donations use their money to become the first to show up in search engines, and influence the mainstream media to always include them.


Zoos and aquariums, on the other hand, are too busy actually caring for animals and working for conservation to spend time and resources to defend themselves, meaning most of this falls on private individuals. Since small truth seekers don't have these tools at our disposal, websites like this one run completely on the goodwill of other people spreading and sharing it. Note however, that people like me are not in any way "apologists" for zoos or other animal facilities - if we see that something is not right, we report on is. We simply went where the evidence led us, which was to supporting modern, responsible care and keeping of animals, including cetaceans like killer whales.


This site has been adapted from my old tumblr blog, a site or service that may have a good format for writing and sharing, but not the best "image" to be taken seriously by people at large, regardless of the quality or source of the information. Thus, this site will be used for my many articles and more important and fleshed-out posts, as well as posting timelines and informative videos.

I have been researching killer whales and other cetaceans in human care since 2014, totalling many hundreds of hours of pouring over everything from databases to old documents, newspaper articles and necropsy reports, and do this purely as an effort to find out the truth and get it out to people.


I have never received a single penny for my work, nor would I want to, but me and others like me are smeared as "lying for money", while of course both of these claims couldn't be further from the truth.


We want to show people the reality, and most of us actually started out in this field being opposed to keeping whales in human care and wanting the whales to go free or be put in sea pens. We don't love or care for the animals any less after learning more,

we changed our minds because what we had been told by the animal abolition movement (also known as "animal rights"),

simply was not true.

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